Animal health – EC new rules for consignments of animal products open for consultation
This draft Delegated Regulation lays down principally the following rules supplementing Regulation (EU) 2016/429 as regards animal health, certification and information requirements for movements within the Union of consignments of products of animal origin from terrestrial animals:
(a) obligations on operators for movements of those consignments;
(b) the information to be contained in the animal health certificates required to accompany those consignments;
(c) the information to be provided by operators to the competent authority for the advance notification of the movements of those consignments;
(d) the emergency procedures for the notification of movements of those consignments in the event of power cuts and other disturbances of Traces.
This draft act is open for feedback until 14 September 2020. Connect to European Commission for providing feedback and detailed information.