Supplier Verification
Predict the future instances for your supply chain
Predict future issues in your supply chain
Answer questions like “How many product recalls / border rejections are expected for company A in the next 10 years?” or “What kind of issues did my supplier have in the past?” Cross-verify the precautions for potential issues with your suppliers, test additionally for risk areas. Let data based predictions support your decisions to select and check your suppliers accordingly.
Monitor risks & detect anomalies in your supply chain
Detect anomalies like unusually high issues or emerging hazard types in your supply chain. With the periodic updates, you can receive an alert if any new issues regarding your suppliers are reported. Be informed and act on time.
Detect anomalies, get alerts and react on time
Customise your dashboard and alerts
Customise your data
Customise your data and focus only on what interests you. Get alerted according to own needs. Deep dive where you need, and skip all what you do not need.
See here how this risk assessment facilitates your regulatory obligations or contact us for free demo.