Virtual Testing
Predict the future based on past performance data
See the popularity of your products over time and predict future performance
Measure how many reviews your product has received over time, and how the average rating has been. Predict the future performance based on past performance data
See the results based on your complete portfolio, and also split to different product categories or products. Measure the performance of different campaigns or events on a small scale, before a complete market launch.
Transform customer comments into actionable insights
See how the different product characteristics have contributed to the overall product performance over time. Look into the specifics what has caused the decline or increase over time. Compare it with the product changes you have made.
See the results consolidated, or change to product view by just one click.
Focus on different characteristics just by clicking on them
Deep-dive to support your decisions on product enhancement
Deep-dive into data for final decisions
Analyse the positive and negative word associations to understand what really your customers feel about the different product characteristics. Prioritise product feature changes based on what customers are telling you.
Discover new insights based on individual reviews.
See how to benchmark your products or contact us for free demo.