Minimise risks and facilitate reporting through iComplai early warning system
The new Supply Chain Act is to ensure better human rights protection. Companies must ensure compliance with human rights and environmental risks among their entire supply chain. Through the iComplai platform you can monitor and predict the risks in the food supply chain like for instance the AI powered iComplai platform algorithms were successful in predicting the new products with an emerging risk like ethylene-oxide.
iComplai platform provides you with:
1) Data on child labor and forced labor, grouped by:
Produced goods
Country of exploitation
Evidence based
Reports containg data on child labor and forced labor grouped by Products and Countries.
With this information, you can see the potential risks in your supply chain and act accordingly.
2) Environmental Risks
Mercury risks
POPs (chemicals listed in Article 3 Paragraph 1 of Stockholm-POP convention)
Historical view where POPs have been used
Daily updated notifications on products where chemicals listed in Article 3 Paragraph 1 of Stockholm-POP convention was detected.
An automated data to map your supply chain to POPs can be generated and included in your risk assessment.
iComplai assists companies in implementing human rights and environmental due diligence requirements, including:
The establishment of a risk management system
The implementation of regular risk analyses
Data on illegal use of pesticides:
• iComplai platform provides you with the pesticides extensively used, including the analytical results to evaluate the impact
• 200+ mio test results on pesticides
• Daily updated notifications with anomaly detection
• Prediction of pesticides (unknown risks)
• Pesticide data can be customised on your raw material and country of origin
To start getting your supply chain reports, contact us today!