First detection: Iodofenphos in barley (as feed) from France (RASFF)
The EU has one of the highest food safety standards in the world. RASFF portal provides the latest information on food recalls and public health warnings in all EU countries. iComplai helps you identify emerging risk for your raw materials through our AI-based risk assessment tool.
Substance detected for the first time in RASFF: Iodofenphos in barley (as feed) from France
Barley was found to contain higher levels of Iodofenphos pesticide residue than the permissible threshold, although the risk decision has not yet been made. The defected procduct has been officially detained by the authorities. Iodofenphos was found in the barley at a concentration of 0.062 mg/kg – ppm, although the maximum permissible concentration is 0.01 mg/kg – ppm in feed stuff.
Report by iComplai platform: First detection of Iodofenphos in barley (as feed)
Detection of Iodofenphos in Barley.
Source:RASSF(the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed)
According to the University of Hertfordshire, UK, Iodofenphos is an obsolete insecticide once used for the protection of stored products, livestock pests and in public health applications.
It is effective as a contact and stomach poison against a wide range of insect pests including cockroaches, lice, bugs, flies, fleas, mosquitoes, midges, bedbugs.
Because of its low mammalian toxicity and long persistence, it is used in agricultural and public hygiene, as well as in the preservation of stored food. On alkaline surfaces such as wood, corrugated iron, asbestos, concrete, and brick (either unpainted or whitewashed), application of 1 g of iodofenphos per m2 of treated surface provided effective protection against house flies and lesser house flies on piggeries, calf-rearing houses, and mink farms.
Organophosphorous pesticides such as iodofenphos are frequently used in agriculture due to their low cost, broad spectrum of activity, and effectiveness against insects. However, the usage of this class of pesticides may result in widespread degradation of the environment and may pose a risk to human health. Headache, weakness, feeling of heaviness in head, declining in memory, quick onset of fatigue, disruption of sleep, loss of appetite, and loss of orientation are the signs of chronic organophosphorus pesticide exposure. In certain circumstances, psychic problems, nystagmus, trembling of the hands and other nervous system disorders can be observed. Neuritis, paresis and paralysis sometimes may emerge.
Reach out to iComplai to learn which other products are potentially contaminated with insecticides like Iodofenphos and which risks are emerging for your raw materials.
Haddow, B. C., & Marks, T. G. (1970). Iodofenphos-a broad review of a promising new insecticide. In Proceedings. 5th Brit. Insectic. Fungic. Conf., 1969 (Vol. 2). London, Br. Crop Prot. Coun..
Li, X., Gan, P., Peng, R., Huang, C., & Yu, H. (2010). Determination of 23 organophosphorous pesticides in surface water using SPME followed by GC-MS. Journal of chromatographic science, 48(3), 183-187.