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How food safety risk prediction helps with your HACCP Audits

Food safety risk prediction plays an important role in HACCP by helping to identify potential hazards before they occur, allowing for preemptive measures to be taken to prevent or control them. By using predictive models, food producers can identify potential food safety risks associated with each step of the production process, from raw materials to the finished product.

For example, a food producer may use predictive modelling of iComplai to identify the risk of contamination from a specific ingredient or processing step. They may also use predictive modeling to identify the risk of a foodborne illness outbreak associated with a particular product. iComplai platform helps to identify & predict various risks including physical, chemical as well as microbiological risks. iComplai will also inform you about emerging risks in your raw materials and processes, which may not be yet known to the industry.

Utilizing validated sources, iComplai enables a fast and efficient risk assessment that can be used in HACCP audits.

Once potential hazards have been identified, the HACCP team can use this information to develop appropriate control measures to prevent or reduce the likelihood of the hazard occurring. This can include measures such as implementing sanitation procedures, testing for contaminants, or adjusting the processing conditions.

By using food safety risk prediction as part of their HACCP program, food producers can better manage the risks associated with their products and ensure that they are safe for consumption. This not only protects consumers but also helps to maintain the reputation and profitability of the food producer.

Contact iComplai today to improve your HACCP risk analysis and preventive actions today.